Wiggle the brush from base of lashes to tip. Apply one coat to both eyes, repeat as desired to build BIGGER and BIGGER volume. -- Finish every eye look with a bang with Benefit’s BADgal BANG Mascara, an unbelievably volumising mascara that marks the start of a new universe of lash enhancement. Offering bigger, ‘badder’ lashes than ever before, the unique, intensely black formula stars gravity-defying aero-particles – one of the lightest known materials derived from space technology. This innovative ingredient ensures that the formula can be layered up for maximum impact without weighing lash hairs down, adding volume, length and curl without clumps. It’s effortless to apply using the unique ‘slimpact’ brush, which is streamlined to coat every lash evenly and the formula is both smudge-proof and water-resistant, so the miraculous results will last through even the wildest gales, tantrums and tears – though we hope it doesn’t have to!
Benefit BADgal Bang mascara (Full Size) 8.5grams
₨4,800.00 Regular Price
₨3,000.00Sale Price